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CX 750 HD Bow Sprit

CX 750 HD Bow Sprit

New CX 750 Bow Sprit features a machined Stainless Steel Front Roller and 3 nylon trailing rollers!


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SKU CX750 Category Tags ,

The CX Range of Bow Sprits are made from durable heavy gauge 316SS, in a mirror like finish. With a wider opening than our SLR series, the CX range is suitable for almost any anchor and style. These static spirits have no hinge or moving parts, and are favored by commercial fishermen and those who are seeking ultra-tough anchoring accessories. The rollers are made from durable HD with a 10 year UV life, and the bolts are custom machined with a sleek button finish.

CX series bow sprits are 100% Australian made with all extrusions, machining,
stainless steel, and polishing in house.

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Additional information

Weight 25 lbs
Dimensions 30 × 12 × 8 mm
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